

You might wonder why I think I'm qualified to write about motherhood. Or about anything worth reading.

Here's my pitch:

As a mom of 2 little birdies, I have had my share of joys, challenges and headaches. From morning sickness and post-partum depression, to potty-training and playdates, I have done it. I have been terrified of illness, rocked by night terrors, soothed by child innocence, comforted by a small hand, delighted by quick wit, angered by defiance and paralyzed by the fear of love. My kids are amazing and my life with them is more than I could have hoped for.

That being said, as a full-time mom and wife of a fireman, I get to battle long 24-hour days alone. I put out my own fires - but more on that to come. As a former working woman, I tremendously miss the brisk pace of the corporate world. As a transplant to the country suburbs, I yearn for the urban thrill of the big city.

I share the same love, appreciation and frustration as the next mom and my cup of coffee is still sitting on the counter getting cold while I mop up cereal off the floor.

I can relate to anxiously awaiting for a significant other to walk through the door. I can relate to a single parent who gets to battle double dinners and double bathtime SOLO. My husband is an amazing, capable and super hands-on kind of dad. When he walks in the front door after his 24-hour shift, he's the superstar of the day. This is just fine with me...I finally get a moment to myself...and maybe another hour of shut-eye.

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