

Ok, when I first heard of this on a friends blog, I thought it was a crazy, overwhelming goal. Fast forward two weeks and I am armed with a camera full of random everyday shots.

The idea is called Project 365, and as simple as it sounds, you take a photo every day for the entire year. Intended for the heavy scrapbook addicts, I found myself hooked and am really enjoying the opportunity to learn more about the little moments in my everyday life, mastering my camera operations and also to be able to justify the new Digital SLR I will be begging for come Mother's Day. I actually feel more connected to my kids and don't get SO terrified of their rapid growth. Most of my pics are of the kids, but they don't always cooperate. I also find that my point&shoot digital really isn't giving me the satisfying pics I want. I have since also started experimenting with my SLR, but haven't developed pics yet to see how sucessful they are. I really like shooting with natural or surrounding light instead of using the flash, but it just isn't working out so well with the equipment I have. (More justification for the D-SLR...). Check out this link for more information on the original product (as is backordered). http://www.beckyhiggins.com/blog/2009/01/alternatives-to-project-365.html My photo inspiration comes from a blogger who works for Creating Keepsakes. She manages A-MA-ZING pics. How she gets so much crafting done with 2 kids is beyond me. Check her out here: http://elizabethkartchner.blogspot.com/

Here's some pics to hopefully inspire you to start snapping! It really is fun once you get started, and the kids are getting more and more used to the camera around, so I am able to get more and more candid pics. Here's hoping I ever get them in a scrapbook...

Bathtime on Friday
Toys in Mommy's tub on Saturday
Today's 30-second Coffee Break


  1. Glad to see you are taking this on! We had our first girls get-together this last Saturday night to put our month of pictures together. It was really cool seeing what everyone was taking pictures of and I LOVE the memories I am keeping that would have been lost otherwise. You should join us some time - we do it the last Saturday night of each month. Cute pictures, by the way!

  2. I am loving doing this project as well and have given it a bit of my own twist at times. I did a "week of" set on the weeks of each of the kids birthdays as well as the week of our moving. I finally got my kit this last week after being back ordered for nearly 3 months! We're getting together to work on the albums on Saturday night if you wanna join us!
