

Notice how happy well-fed kids are? Notice how their moods improve with each bite of sandwich? Notice the frenzied act of feeding them in a race against the tummy clock?

No more. A well-prepared mom is a calm mom, and more importantly, is a healthy diet.

I've completely fallen into the trap of getting something, anything on the table to satisfy the whines and cries of "I'm hungry." Or in Buddy's case, the super-fast repeated gesturing to the mouth. Don't get me wrong, my kids don't have candy for lunch, but I'm a lot less organized in getting them a balanced meal. Often times, meals are carb- or dairy-heavy and the satiety might not last long enough to get them to their next meal time.

I'm making great use of these long, drug-induced, naps to get some order in the fridge.

Join me, and feel the weight lift off the shoulders! Along with weekly or (if you're that good) monthly dinner planning, I'm adding "convenience foods" to my schedule. I prepared bread & cheese sandwiches in an air-tight container, ready for a hot pan, used Glad single serving containers to hold applesauce, and cut up my blocks of cheese and a container of strawberries to help me get food on the plate that much faster.

There is no reason we shouldn't put as much importance on lunch as we do for dinner. I'm also shifting the balance of size from dinner to lunch. I know you're supposed to do that anyway, so no earth-shattering revelations here, but now I'm actually taking action.

If we can get ahead of the ball, we won't always be trying to stay on it.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea, I need to start thinking about that for Addison who is constantly doing the more sign for food!!
