

First, heartfelt apologies to the devoted few out there who are probably wondering when I'm going to get around to posting something new. It has been a stressful (both good & bad) couple of weeks and all energies were focused on mind-numbing bad summer television programming. If ever an opportunity to go brain dead...that's it.

Second, a HUGE thanks to all the readers out there. I have run into a few ladies who've commented on my blog and it's made me remember that people might actually be reading this. Writing is completely therapeutic for me, but with all the facebooking, emailing and that darn eBay, some days, it's all I can do to turn the computer on. While I believe in honest ranting and disclosure, I hope all understand that this is simply a side of my multi-faceted personality. Ok, maybe 2 or 3 sides, but still. Thank you all for your endless support, kind words and encouragement. Without many of you I, literally, would not be doing this. I love hearing from you and get giddy with anticipation for your comments, so keep 'em coming!

Ok, the Bud's squawking and the beef's sizzling. Back to reality.

1 comment:

  1. I adore getting to read your blog! It is very refreshing, educational and just down right funny! You have a way with words and thanks for sharing your gift of writing with us.
