

All kids need a place of their own. Some have tree houses, some play houses.

Our kids have a tree fort. Our lush backyard cedar trees are the perfect home for a 2- and 4-year old looking for a place to retreat from their parents supervising eye. Or so they think.

The two trees stand approx. 6 feet apart and are backed by our wood fence. There is landscape vegetation on either side, giving the kids roughly 5ft X 8ft of private dirt floor. I crawled inside and lopped off the interior low hanging branches of the trees to allow more room for movement and outfitted the fort with a couple kid chairs and some fresh outdoor dirt-friendly toys. The thinnest of interior branches were cut to offer hooks for shovels and rakes.

Since the lowest of the branches are roughly 2ft off the ground, it's easy to see the kids playing within, but don't tell them that. At this age, it's fun and easy to convince them that if they are standing up, we can't see them and have no idea where they are. Gotta take advantage of the little tricks while we still can.

Oh and did I mention this project was free? Beats the lumber costs for a full-fledged tree house.

1 comment:

  1. Brienna,
    I just adore that picture of the kids and what a perfect little fort for them. I know they are going to spend hours and hours in their own little hideaway.

