

This time of year holds a special place near and dear to my heart. Last year, my son was scheduled to be delievered via c-section on Feb 14th. Much to our surprise, he decided he was ready to make his debut on January 31. Three weeks early. While Husband was in Lake Tahoe with the guys. You can only imagine his stress and anxiety involved in rushing to the hospital, last minute flight connections and my getting to experience full-blown labor before this little angel was born.

That being said, my dear husband had seriously pre-planned my Valentine gift and gave it to me the morning my son was born. His gift was a charm necklace from TJ&Co of 2 sterling silver discs with each of our children's names stamped on them. He earned major props from me, but also the doctors and nurses. Not only did he get the PERFECT gift, but he thought ahead and it worked out amazingly!

This necklace is so special to me, I wear it all the time. I also often get asked about where to find it. TJ&Co makes a couple varieties of these charms, and cooler yet, it's a small mom-run, mom-started company, all made in the USA.

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