

So I just got home from Marley & Me and although I read the book and knew what it was about, I still got teary eyed. What shook me the most was how a dog can really be a strong force in your life even when you want nothing to do with them! I guiltily relate to the scene of the movie where Aniston is done with that dog. Wanting to get rid of it, the headaches and extra responsibility.

Our saint of a dog, Ginger, has been slightly demoted twice, once after each child, but she hasn't let it phase her. Instead she has bonded with Sister. Of course the constant treats, attention and table scraps don't hurt. Ginger was never what Husband and I would have thought of when you think of an ideal "kid's dog" but she is forever patient and willing to play (even tea parties -- no joke). Her mix of Border Collie and Chow gave us concern after learning the fierce loyalty and sometimes aggressive behavior from the Chow side. She hasn't lived up to that part at all...instead all collie with her amazing brightness and insane hyperactivity. She used to chase passenger jets down our property line when we once lived under the airport flightline, and caught 2 squirrels - as in the poor things were paralyzed with fear between her 2 front legs. (Thank goodness they were never hurt!)

I fear the day that Ginger moves from this life to the next and the conversation to be held with my sweet little girl. For the time being, I have a renewed motivation to instill the importance of this canine life into ours and help Sis have great memories. Hopefully Buddy will also get to grow up with Ginger, although she just rounded out her 9th year...

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