

I was at a friend's house for dinner last night and was jealous at the bare, tidy and classic mix of home furnishings. By this I really mean, I loved that you could see their hardwood floors and counter tops without being distracted by the myriad of kid's toys. Granted, they have a 3mo who's not exactly demanding the shiny newness of garishly colored plastic, but still. I envision their home looking similarily simple in the coming months and years.

So today, I decided we could do without a few (dozen) random playsets, puzzles and old books. The kids tend to be particular to what they like anyway, the rest just becomes visual static which is really making me a bit crazed. So I tackled this large endeavor during quiet time. Of course I would be able to rearrange, tidy, store and streamline my entire first floor in the 90 min. before the kids were back to play. I might as well even paint the walls and make a 4-course dinner while I'm at it. Notice my sarcasm? This does not happen in 90 minutes. More like 9 hours. So I didn't turn my home into a pristine, modern environment, but I made a dent...in one room.

Regardless of the fact that I didn't get too far, the room I did get done is very inspiring on it's own. I can sit there and be free of the clutter and negative stimulation of too much stuff. Now if only I could block the view from that seat to the kitchen counters.

1 comment:

  1. I am flattered by this post! I will have to give Matthew most of the credit, he is the one who reminds me about "STUFF",and I am the one who keeps it up! You have to do room by room, otherwise you are overwhelmed and don't finish anything. Keep at it and you will feel GREAT when you are all finished:)
