

Tonight wraps up the tail end of a long 48-hour stretch of just me and the kiddies. Husband took an extra shift yesterday at the fire department to trade for a personal vacation day in July. And when I say personal, I mean as in his. As in a guys-only camping trip. As in another 5 days of single parenting for me coming down the pike (...oh, don't worry, I'll catch you up on this arrangement.)

The kids were generally pretty good over the last 2 days and I've long ago learned to pace myself. But come 8am tomorrow morning when we can expect him to be home, you can bet I will be noticing (and seething) for each minute he is late.

Sis has been SUPER challenging with terrible-3's and constantly fighting for attention over Brother. She is forever pestering him, taking his toys, pushing him over and for what? We're still trying to get a handle on it, but I'm hoping something we are doing is going to be working soon. I hear it's normal, but it's driving us all a little kooky.

The kids haven't been sleeping well lately either as a result of endless teething for Brother and late night potty-breaks for Sis. Husband and I have been getting up numberous times EVERY NIGHT to deal with one or both kids' awakenings. It's starting to take a toll. Everyone is a little edgier.

Naturally, I was a little worried about what the 48hrs would have in-store for me, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Did I just jinx myself?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/20/2009

    Nice and Commendable Job Dear!

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