

So this is the year of me. At least in respect to making myself a priority again. For starters, fresh clothing by lunchtime. Breakfast would not be realistic as many mornings I'm barely awake by the time I am starting the coffee pot and pouring milk in the kids' cereal.

Second, reclaiming my once current standard of all things stylish. I think I used to have it together...or at least had the confidence to pull it off. My sweats are being returned to the utilitarian use they are intended for. My heels are back to center stage (and my poor feet are being whipped back into shape for it). My wardrobe is being pleasantly streamlined and organized, both long overdue.

What is it about having kids that can totally wipe away any sense of self? I get giving all to your kids, but does that mean your self-esteem too? I get that it's long days, and sometimes sleepless nights. But honestly? Nothing makes me feel better, regardless of how little sleep I may have gotten, than a clean, crisp, pulled together ensemble of cool clothes.

Thanks to my sister, I am totally bitten by the designer denim bug. Hardly capable of paying full retail prices, I love that I can find some great deals at Nordstroms Rack. Not to mention in house tailoring - woohoo! Although I am not obsessed (yet) with the high end stuff, I do have to admit that my newly aquired True Religion jeans has kick started my quest to pull it together. Yay for Kristin!

The 1/2 part of the resolution is encouraging my kids to get out of their pajamas. (Don't even get me started on the guilt that I may have brought this on...) Sis loves to stay cozy all day, but at what point should we stress 'getting dressed for the day'? Does our day have less clothing importance if we don't leave the house? Doesn't a 3-year-old have the right to wear what she wants, including her pajamas? I don't know. It seems one more battle these days not worth fighting. At least she's wearing clothes, eh?

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