

What is it about the library that kids go nutty over? All the books you could possibly read? The ability to take them home for weeks? The feeling of secrecy at having to whisper?

Sister loves the library, you would think we were going to Disneyland when I mention it. She attempts to bring home as many books as she can, but today settled on 6...all of which are scheduled to be read before bedtime tonight.

Brother also seemed quite taken by it and with him walking all about and really wreaking havoc pulling all the books off the shelves and makind frequent beelines for the automatic door.

This taught me a lesson today: do not take 2 kids to the library by myself. I figured it would be a nice easy trip to break up our day, but it was quite a bit of work! Thankfully Sis listens well and is content to sit and look at all the books while I chase Brother around.

We did get some cool books today though, I especially fell in love with:

Stuck in the Mud by Jane Clarke.

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