

This past week as been quite difficult with the passing of my grandfather, but it's strangely confusing how little time there is to mourn when you still need to carry on the daily routine and requirements of raising little ones. Caught in tears more than a few times, I've simply run out of things to say when Daughter asks why I am so sad. The concept of death to a 3-year-old is fleeting and little more than understanding why the batteries have run out of her favorite toy. Unfortunately, human batteries are not so simply replaceable.

Elbert Handy
1934 - 2009

Heightened emotions have been playing out in the form of family arguments for the past week, and it's truthfully exhausting. Husband has been home the past 4 days and able to shoulder the solo responsibility of the children while I tend to extended family needs, funeral arrangements and that shiny new job I got.

A Friday funeral most completely overshadowed any excitement and anticipation regarding Valentine's Day, which really rang clear when my dear husband came up empty handed. As much as I would like to be that cool girl who doesn't care about Valentine's Day sentiments, I'm clearly not her. This day, more than any in year's past, seemed to symbolize the opportunity to get back to normal and not have to dwell on the grief that is all consuming. Instead of getting back to normal, I'm bummed out and slightly disappointed.

I'm trying not to be too affected, but seeing as our tax return just got here, I'm hoping for some gesture to make up for it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather and such a bummer week. It's hard to tend to "real life" when these things happen - I hope things get back to normal for you soon.
