

One of the things I love about being married to a fireman (other than bragging rights) is the close comraderie and brotherhood of the guys. Just today, I was in a local pub and ran into several from both Husband's department, and that of a neighboring department. The kindness and sincerity is unmatched by any others he or I've ever worked with. (I felt super East Coast old-school in an Irish joint surrounded by family and firefighters. Think of a scene from the movie Ladder 49. And little red-headed Son could be the mascot with his Irish name.)

Fire personnel are a special breed of selfless and compassionate individuals and I am proud of Husband for being considered as one. Without a doubt I know that should I need help in any form, I can call several of the fire guys who live in my area and they would assist without question. I also find great comfort in knowing that should I need to call emergency services I would be treated like one of their own without them ever having met me. For this I am grateful.

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