

lover - noun
1. a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
2. an ardent follower and admirer [syn: fan]
3. a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage


You might find an odd association with coffee as lover, but I think it fits. Realize it's constant required prescence in your life (or a life like mine) and how much you come to depend not only on it's actions, but it's familiarity. I wax on about this inanimate object as though it were a being, but it is surprisingly common to have such an attachment this THIS inanimate object.

What is it about the smell, the warmth, the first sips of a hot fresh cup of joe. Look up coffee in a Thesaurus and it has no less than 10 synonyms, some of affection: joe, java, brew, mud, ink...and some of criticism: battery acid, varnish remover, and for us hard core junkies, 'decaf'. Regardless of how you might feel about coffee and it's dedicated following, it's a social aspect that is here to stay..

Recently, I found an article in Cookie Magazine written by Kate Porterfield that seems to so completely address my love affair with this liquid, that I have the magazine page taped in my scrapbook. She writes: "It's what coffee does to my mood, tha way it alters - I mean really changes - what I believe about my life, my loved ones, myself. That vague, haunting feeling that I've done something terribly wrong with my life begins to disolve with each sip. And in its place emerges my love for my kids; for the idea of a jam-packed day stretching out in front of me; hell, even for myself. And that's just the first cup." WOW! From a fellow mom, and she totally gets me...all over a cup of coffee? Did I write this under another name? Is coffee THIS powerful?

Some days I feel that it is suffocatingly critical for me to have my Americano accompany me on my days journey only to end up dumping out half the cup later that day. Clearly, I need no more than a cup. I wonder if I prefer the comfort and relaxation it tempts over the actual taste. Don't get me wrong, I love a good, dark, strong, cup of coffee, but I really also love holding the hot mug as I zone out over the rising steam. Regardless of the condition of my kitchen, the dirt on my floors and the noise of my children, I think I can actually hear the steam whispering to me that all is calm, and I can get through another day of the often trying and tedious challenges.

This comfort is more than an at-home cup of drip coffee - clearly why the coffee shops are making SO much money for this flavored hot water. Interestingly coffee is often referred to as the great social equalizer; Starbucks has gained a customer base that is indifferent to social status and income level. Nearly anyone can afford a $2 cup of coffee and the image that goes with it. I'd like to think I'm into more than the image.

My coffee affair has become a weekly meeting with close friends on Saturday morning, or a mom-gets-mellowed-out session with a great book, sometimes a groggy morning pick-me-up and even a marital tension. Fortunately I haven't been asked to choose, but there has been heated conversation with my spouse over my coffee love and the money spent to get it. Thankfully, a peaceful compromise was attained.

I will continue to love my Quad Grande Americano until I can no longer afford my passion. And only then will I work my tail off to find the best at-home version. Mark my words.

1 comment:

  1. I have had so many of these same thoughts - I totally relate, sister!! Now, I need to go take my first sip of coffee this morning ... I'm giddy with excitement...
