

I originally posted this on another of my blogs, but I regularly re-read it when I needed a pep-talk. I have been recently applying for some part-time work and wonder why I didn't add this to my resume? I thought I would post here in case anyone else needed the same pat on the back. You mom's do good work!
As you may or may not be aware, I stay at home and care for my kids, the household and food. Along with those not-so-simple responsibilities, I also facilitate art projects, home-made cookies and accessibility to clean clothing -- to name ONLY a few.

I manage not only my time, but that of at least 2 others (sometimes 3...) and keep all schedules as insync as I know how. I coordinate meetings with grandparents and inlaws. Set-up play dates and social interactions for my kids. Fearing a 2pm meltdown, I consolidate outings and events into neat little chunks of time, taking into consideration naps, snacks and quiet time. I brainstorm new meal options to avoid the snack traps of goldfish crackers and string cheese as well as break through the tediousness of chicken for dinner, again. I ensure that little minds are being challenged and enlightened. I attempt to teach and try to slow down enough to play. So much more than changing diapers and running bubble baths!

Through the course of this often thankless and constantly demanding and needy position I hold, I find myself missing the work world, all shiny and sharp. Downtown traffic, high heels and always a few minutes late. Morning coffee, office meetings and real-world chit chat. I miss the competance I once possessed for jobs I excelled in. I miss the adult comraderie and conversations over current events, music and what's for lunch.

It's always easy to see the grass as greener on the other side. And nothing quite says 'boring' like "stay-at-home mom". I shrink a little anytime someone asks me what I do. Answers like "mom" and "I'm not working" seem to immediately end the conversation. No one seems to find interest in a job such as this. Someone would much rather talk about driving a UPS truck than the ins and outs of raising children and managing a home.

A good friend of mine was speaking to me about the importance of having a title as she is embarking on the beginning of a family and no longer plans to work. She is embracing the notion that we aren't "just moms" and we don't "just stay home with our kids". I really like her way of thinking and it's been making me wonder about a title for myself. So no longer will I be a "stay-at-home mom", I will now be Domestic Director. Afterall, doesn't that much better sum up the myriad of roles we play? Though we may be at home, I would hardly call it 'just staying at home'.

So to all those moms out there looking to reclaim a little bit of their former 'working' self: grab a thesaurus and make a title.

Then own it.

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