

Like most people, I get tripped up on the day of the week. I often have trouble remembering what I did 3 days ago. It compounds matters when I live an untraditional schedule. "Weekend" in my life hardly exists. It is no longer a Saturday/Sunday and no longer means free time, instead, it shouts "CROWDS, Everywhere!"

Some days, this is great. I can lounge around on a Tuesday morning, wondering what to do and where to do it. Relaxed and smug viewing the world as my own - no lines to wait in, no crowded parking lots. Places like the zoo and grocery store are a dream.

Some days, this is lame. During the traditional week, there are less options of who to spend the day with between the hours of 9 to 5. I find myself irritated at the teenagers booming bass drive by when my kids are sleeping, only to realize it's Saturday night. And only 830.

Sigh. What happened? How did I get here? I feel old today.

1 comment:

  1. It is funny how our view of weekends change once you stay home with kids - I think the same things! I hear myself saying, "Costco? No way, it's Saturday!" Just a season of life, I guess. Before you know it, the kids will be older and you'll be saying "What happened?" in a whole different way!
