Husband just finished the last of his 4 days off and I find myself straddling the line between needing him here and thankful he's at work.
Let me explain. I adore my husband and adore his career that gives him the opportunity to be here so regularly. His time off is massive and gives us the reward of off-peak days to spend as a family. From morning to bedtime, he's home and equally active in the minute details of the day. He does dishes and bathtime. He lends a hand and helps keep tantrums at bay. We can divide and conquer when the kids are getting on each other's nerves. What's not to love about this?
On the other hand, he's here and present ALL day. He's flexing his parent style which may or may not be totally in line with mine. He's available for the kids to run to when I say no or try to flex my firmness. It's not that he cuts me down or undermines my authority, but it's a process to work around each other with respect and understanding, all the while creating the image of a united front to the little people who are just waiting and watching for a crack to wedge into. He's here when the kids are put away for nap and quiet time. What is normally MY downtime, becomes another segment of the day that needs tending to.
Honestly, if there is nothing planned, I get a little annoyed after about day 3, ready for him to be back at work. Just to have my space and get things back on MY track. On his stretches of 6 days off, we can get even more stir-crazy here cooped up together.
It's a constant fluctuation of emotion and need. He'll be at work and the kids are melting down by lunch time...these are the days I wish he were home. He'll be home and the kids are challenging my authority because "Daddy does it different"... these are the days I wish he was at work.
The grass is always greener I suppose. I'll never trade what I have for a traditional 9-5er, but when the weather is cruddy and the kids are at odds, it's easy to find a reason to squawk. Thanks for humoring me.
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