

Apparently, gray is my signature color. And unconsiously at that. But it could be worse.

About 2 years ago I found a great gray paint on the Oops! table at the Home Depot. That means $5 for a gallon of paint. And at that color? I'll take it. But in my garage it sat, forgotten.

On a whim, I swatched it on my foyer hall walls and the rest is history.Another budget re-do with a total investment of $5! The rest is stuff found from throughout the house and compiled to make a bigger statement.


  1. Looks really nice and well done too! Been doing a lot of interior painting myself lately so I can appreciate it. Plus, sometimes a color on it's own looks great and yet once applied turns out all wrong (stay away from "caramel").

    I really like it!

  2. By the way - why dies your date stamp say you posted this on Apr 21, 2010???

  3. Hey man, thanks! Blogger was having a glitch. It was meant to post on the 21st, but posted the day I wrote it.
