

Sometimes, I'm done. Done blogging. Done creating. Done. Not to be over dramatic, but it can be time consuming, tedious and draining. And really, who cares?

I can't tell you how many times I've considered stopping my blog. It's really just a diary of thoughts and ongoings, and it's not even well organized at that. It lacks the shiny springboard of so many of those 'great' blogs out there. I'm not a mom-blog. Not a food-blog. Not an art- or DIY- or edgy-blog. I'm just being me, best I know how.

So my point, amongst all this rambling was a 2-sentance email forwarded on from a bonafide stranger. She liked my writing and actually took the time to venture into my pocket of rocks. Not only was it encouraging, but she happens to be an avid blogger herself, with enviable photos and equally enviable artistic adventures. Nothing says inspiration like great photos - and I'm not even getting started on her great sense of style.

It's great to have a thread of motivation to keep on keepin' on and it made my day. And that's cool. And I thank her.

1 comment:

  1. You know how much you're going to love looking back on this blog one day? It's excellent and meaningful. Keep it up! I think there are many of us who visit your blog from time to time and are inspired by you (and a bit green with envy that you have spent the time to write, shoot, cook, create, etc...).

    I say, "well done!"
