

People can be ridiculous, no?

Consider a certain individual, one who I've not had a single contact with in nearly 6 years, who has been lurking this very blog in effort to, no doubt, learn about me and my family. Why else would that person be here? Consider that, as there are no names anywhere in this blog, the guilty individual had to actually google me to get here. Maybe not hard, but still, cyberstalking. All this work to lurk here when, through many other mutual family, my personal information, phone number, email address, home address and such could be easily obtained. This is no stranger I'm talking about. This is some one who would certainly have the reasons to know this information. This is some one close who refused to acknowledge me, even when learning I was pregnant with my first child.

As if it's not bad enough to silently watch me through this blog, this offending, disrespectful, individual sends me a mass emailed Christmas letter to boast of the past year's events in their pleasant, sunny, fabricated life. (BALLS!) No hello. No questions as to my well being, the health and developments of the children (dare I say 'grandchildren'?). Nothing. NOTHING.

I'm so sick about it, I don't even know how to handle it. So I'm putting it here. No doubt for the offender to read, though one wonders if they can even, for a second, consider the contempt and disinterest I have in hearing about their life. If they can even, for a second, take a minute out of their boastful character and consider that they have driven this wedge and could not have used more poor taste than that which they used today. Balls.

1 comment:

  1. I remembered you have a blog and popped in to catch up...while reading this I was think "OH MY GOD IT's NOT ME!!! I SWEAR this is my first time back!"

    Alas I wrote no such Christmas email.

    And alas you and I have never had a problem.

    I totally know how you feel though. I hired an assistant to help me with my daycare and after she google searched my entire family by name she found my blog and all the not-so-pleasant things I had to say about her.

    Needless to say she quit her job with no notice and managed to pull out some kids with her. It was a nightmare and she's the only person in my life that I really cannot stand. Pure evil. Anyways she STILL reads my blog and every once in awhile leaves rude comments. It feels like a violation and yet I know my blog is public so I just have to deal.


    She bugs the crap out of me.
