Another year gone - school year that is. Sissy is wrapping up her first year of preschool this week and it's a bittersweet realization. She's bummed, I'm bummed. She has had such a blast learning and growing. She's social as you can imagine, and I assume she's gonna miss her friends most.

Summer is a fun time, no doubt, and chock full of activities to keep us all sane. We've got swim lessons and camp trips penciled all through the next 3 months. But, sigh....I just can't believe my little lady is 4 (going on 14 some days) and breezing through these scholastic milestones.

Bear with my emotional scatter of thoughts and posts, its tough for a mom to see her babies growing up. And it's happening too fast.
No kidding. It does go by way too fast. You are doing a great job with your kids. Relish the moments with them when they are young. But, also look forward to knowing them as adults. My girls are my best friends. We have alot of fun together and I enjoy the grandchildren they have given me. It is very satisfying to see those little girls grow up to be beautiful women. A true legacy.