

So in an effort to battle the blues and boredom that has settled into this rainy fall afternoon, I've picked up a copy of The Happiness Project.

It's a book chronicling a woman's year-long commitment to be happier. With herself. With her life. And with her decisions. The author, Gretchen Rubin, breaks out her project into 12 distinct monthly processes in which to tackle and be carried over from month to month. She also builds Commandments and personal "Secrets of Adulthood" for self-encouragement and as personal reminders for staying dedicated and motivated to continue.

Her Commandments include: Let it Go. Do it now. Act the way I want to feel. No calculation. Enjoy the process.

Her Secrets of Adulthood include: It's ok to ask for help. Bring a sweater. Happiness doesn't always make you happy.

At only a hundred pages in, I'm already inspired (if not a bit overwhelmed) at the prospect of changing my thoughts to change my actions to change my feelings. It's a bit of a triangular process in that each thought, feeling and action will directly effect the other. You can't adjust one without the others changing too. So you can imagine the negative effects of thinking or doing wrong.

I'm working on my own Life's Commandments. I'm headed more along the lines of:
Stay true to myself.
Listen better.
Trust the process.
Change is good.
Love louder.
Speak smarter.
Accept limitations.
Ask questions.
...and borrowing a few of Rubin's as well:
Enjoy the process.
Act the way I want to feel.
Lighten up.

My own Secrets of Adulthood, so far, include:
You are the only one who will be you, fight for it.
It's always colder than you think it will be.
Taking medication does help.
Music fits any mood.
Sometimes you just need a drink.
Keep your private moments and guard them.
High heels make your legs and your esteem look better.
It's ok to be emotional.
Let people know where they stand, they'll respect you for it.
Be inspired by others, even if only at a misunderstood distance.
If you don't keep learning, your brain will die.

Wish me luck, I could use it.

...here's to getting Happy!...

1 comment:

  1. I have really struggled with this. Brienna, thank you for sharing the way you do. Sometimes I feel alone in my battles, then you share something and it's like a bulb goes off and I realize someone else feels the things I feel.. or struggles like I do. You are so good at getting the words together in a way the people relate so well with. Thanks chica. This made my day.
